it's an O on top of an S. thats how you know it's a G
it's an O on top of an S. thats how you know it's a G
Even though RobClock is a clock himself, he reminds me a lot of the average clock crew hater.
toy stoyr?!!
prepare for your e x a m i n a t i o n
excellent jojo reference at the end
what is life but one big jojo reference?
Never trust a clock with a tophat and mustache. They're always hiding something.
Wait.. RobClock's Mysterious Cousin ALSO has a tophat and mustache...
What could Sir Clock be hiding?
I'll let BioClock off since he just has the hat
the only thing that can kill Thorclock is heartbreak, seeing his most trusted advisor reveal himself to be ROBCLOCK (ew) would surely put anyone out of their misery.
What? No, that's impossible... his most trusted adviser is RobClock's mysterious cousin and then later RobClock's Bespectacled Cousin. A man can't be his own cousin, that's madness.
this is clearly based on a traumatizing experience. i hope you get the help you need to fully cope with such a tragedy.
How to bypass laws 4a and 4b: just lie that you are gay then watch straight porn and vice versa
"part 13"
i fixed the descriptions
Not really a fan of anything I've put up here.
Order 24
Geo-Polyhedra Estate
Joined on 6/4/19